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Halloween: As Told From A Real Life College Student

It’s safe to say that Halloween is hands down the most “scary” and extravagant day for college students , and what many of them really see as “Halloweekend.” It seems as if Halloween is practically a mandatory holiday for us young adults, filled with group costumes and some questionable and unique individual costumes.

“Halloweekend” is the one time where you can either go all out in dressing up or give minimal effort and purchase something typical or basic like a mouse. From dressing up as eleven and the wall from Stranger Things, to buying the best shirt for an elaborate group party, or to girls even going for that sexy cop, sexy doctor, or sexy bunny; making at least a minimal effort for this holiday seems entirely necessary. Along with that, group costumes have become a major thing for college students, like the Spice Girls, Alvin and the Chipmunks, or even a flirty and cute version of the minions. And compared to high school and later in life, college is the main time where it’s okay to be a little bit of a show off and dress a little scandalous.. Many students in college take part in that, as a way to go above and beyond for the holiday, so there is hardly any judgement unlike there would be in high school. However, sometimes, that above and beyond can go further than one would think.

When Halloween comes around, here is a necessary reminder that some looks are and aren’t appropriate.Within the walls of many dorm building halls, there is a indication that Halloween isn’t a place to create a look that is either racist, religiously offensive, or culturally offensive. Some of those offensive costumes consist of a Native American, anything with a painted black face, or an arab. A lot of the time, college students don’t really care if a costume is appropriate or not because technically, we are “not really adults yet,” that is a pass in many students’ minds. In reality, these reminders are an extremely vital part of Halloween because you never know who you’re hurting with what you are wearing and what Halloween look you’re about to post on your Instagram. There’s always going to be that fine line between extravagant and appalling Halloween costumes, especially those costumes that you wear for the big weekend Halloween party.

It’s no secret that there are many major college parties that take place on Halloweekend, but it’s also no secret that the nightly celebration goes on for more than a weekend. Along with one costume students have for Halloween, it’s only normal to have at least three costumes prepared for this weekend. Last year, when Halloween fell on a Monday, students would continue to go out several days prior to this occasion. Technically, Halloween began that Thursday night for us college students and for some going out on the 31st seemed essential, and of course there’s nothing wrong with that.

All in all, Halloweekend is basically a national holiday for college students, a holiday that never mattered as much as it did when we were thirteen and knocking on our neighbour's doors for candy. The hype of Halloween is overflowing and in college, the decorations on doors and candy bowls in rooms appear the second it officially becomes October.

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