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Cuffing Up

Cuffing season is here. It’s in the people you see at parties, classmates, and even in friend groups. For those who don’t understand, cuffing season is a time of year when a single individual seeks out a relationship; people begin to long for a significant other to cuddle on those cold-windy nights,. Cuffing season begins at at the holidays and ends by Valentine’s Day, where these short term couples break apart and continue their life as single individuals.

It’s a modern phenomenon that many find comfort in during the long winter season, but for students like Victoria Jackson, she doesn’t see the point in cuffing season, “it’s a need that happens, it’s natural to want someone, but to set a season on it is problematic.” She’s not wrong, it’s completely normal to desire being in a relationship, so what’s with society labeling this “cuffing season?” and why do we feel the need to lock up with someone during the winter?

Maybe it’s the stigma that relationships make you happy? Emmaline DiPace shares that being in a relationship during cuffing season could allow for a more room within the relationship, and the non commitment could be attractive to some students. “I understand why people would want an open relationship,” she said, However beneficial this may be, Julia Zubrovich suggests that cuffing season should not just be about finding someone for the season. , “If the person actually finds someone who they care about during the season, I think that would be okay. If they get into a relationship just because it's cuffing season, then I don't think that's okay,” Zubrovich said.

She has a point. There has to be more to a relationship than the intent to be together for just the winter.

During the colder months, finding happiness can be hard without someone who you can call a significant other. Although this isn’t always the case, there are other ways to make yourself happy during the winter season, especially for all the singles out there who don’t feel the need to be in a relationship right away.

This season could open up a lot of eyes for single folks, so that they can learn more about what they likeand are looking for in a relationship. They can discover happiness, and learn to be more comfortable with their needs.

Cuffing may be enchanting, but learning to love yourself is more beautiful, and the benefits are exclusive. So, if you decide to cuff or not this season, just remember that any decision you make is uniquely you and that happiness is the best truth.

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