Kick The Cravings
Finding Alternative Choices in the Dining Hall

We all look forward to college as a time to explore the newfound freedom of finally being adults, making our own decisions, and being in charge of balancing study time and time with friends. In light of this new chapter in our lives, we get caught up in everything new around us: All the clubs, sports, people, and all the food! The possibility of the freshman 15 is something that goes through everyone’s mind. Here are a couple healthy tips to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Craving something sweet for breakfast? Instead of filling your plate with french toast and syrup, grab a bowl of greek yogurt or oatmeal! Adding fresh fruit and topping it off with granola and honey adds carbohydrates and sugars that will fill you until lunchtime.
Craving something sweet after dinner? All the dining halls on campus offer delicious desserts that are hard to resist after a long day of studying (we all know those scones at Campus Center Dining Hall are absolutely irresistible). Although anything is good in moderation, one of my favorite things to do is grab a cold glass of chocolate milk after a meal. A glass of milk will fill you up without overeating. And who doesn’t love chocolate milk?
As college students, we should try our best to adjust cravings and satisfy our sweet tooth without grabbing all the processed junk. All of our food is comprised of macronutrients: proteins, carbs, and fats. But the difference between eating healthy and not eating healthy is what kind of macros and micros we consume. Therefore, minerals, vitamins, and fibers are essential to add to constitute a healthy, balanced diet.
If you implement these few tips, you will be surprised by how great you feel!